Sijm has a special place in his artistic heart for the youth. Not only because them being the future, or that youth performances are attracting the most diverse audience, but also because they have a great open mind that isn’t consolidated with ideas about how art should be. He conceives performances for children from 5 up till 18 years and older. 

C’è la leggerezza del disimpegno, richiesta a un’opera per ragazzi, ma anche una lettura in cui teatro e musica concorrono a quello che è il loro scopo finale: divertire, stupire, viaggiare nel tempo e magari sognare anche da lassù, abbarbicati a qualche liana.

There is the light-heartedness of disengagement required of a children’s opera, but also a reading in which theatre and music contribute to what is their ultimate aim: to entertain, amaze, travel through time and perhaps even dream from up there, clinging to some vines.

L’Opera Magazine, Livio Costarella

Sijm worked several times with older repertoire where he co-worked with modern writers to get new words to the music. Not only translating, but giving new language and themes to music that deserves to be maintained.

He works on fully scaled youth productions with grown-ups performing, as well as groups of teenagers who write their own opera to be performed by themselves.